Category: English
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“The final impression left upon the mind by this woman, in whom there was noreal goodness or grandeur of character, is that of grace and a fascination that never leave her from the beginning to the end, and in her last few moments, that of majesty. As a
“The most effective way to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people is through the use of image, not language.”
“The news is not neutral and natural phenomenon; it is rather the manufactured production of ideology” Glasgow Media Group. Evaluate this statement with reference to at least 2 different view points.
“The person who has the secret of literature has the secret of life.”
“The portrayal of time in “To Autumn””
“The suffering of being unable to love” Is this the key to “Catcher In The Rye”?
“The witches are greatly to blameFor Macbeth’s fortunes”
“The women in Hamlet are helpless ciphers in a man’s world”
“The world needs a hero”- Megadeth
“They Stumble that Run Fast”
“To kill a mockingbird” & “A time to kill” – Intertextuality Essay
“Too much knowledge is a dangerous thing as Oedipus discovers”
“Two Trailer Park Girls Go ‘Round the Outside...”
“Vaunting aloud but racked with deep despair.” How does Milton convey these two sides to Satan’s character?
“Visual action can be as important on stage as speech”How far do you agree with this claim? Refer to 2 or 3 plays you have studied.
“Wesley Hayden is essentially a weak man.”Is this how you view him?Discuss with close reference to Montana 1948.
“What all three characters aspire for is freedom. It is the one thing they’ll never have.” Discuss.
“Wife of Bath Response Essay”
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” (pg 33) This is the advice Atticus gives Scout. How does she put his advice into practice during the novel?
‘A great man brought down by his own yearning for power and control.’ Is this how you see Macbeth.
‘Blade Runner shows us a world in which the faults and shortcomings of our society are magnified.’ Do you agree?
‘Cabaret shows the danger of believing that only money and pleasure matter in life.’ Discuss.
‘Compare the way poets have written about love and loss, bringing out different aspects of the theme’
‘Discuss the comedy in a Midsummer night’s dream’
‘Discuss the success of presenting the unique relationship of Cathy and Heathcliff and the success Bront¸ had in portraying it to a reader with no experience of this rural lifestyle.’
‘Frankenstein has become the monster’What relevance does this statement have for us in the 21st century?
‘Globalization is not creating one world. It is producing benefits for some sections of the world’s population, while having a very negative impact on others.’
‘Greene believed that there is a moment in our lives which moulds us. A transition point which makes us or breaks us.’ Show how Greene explores ‘the growing pains’ of childhood by referring to any three of his stories.
‘HOLY THURSDAY’ By William Blake

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