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You cannot step twice into the same river. A missed opportunity is lost forever

You cannot step twice into the same river. A missed opportunity is lost forever.

Once in a while I ponder, wonder like a great mathematician trying to figure out the answer to an equation, how things would have been if I had taken that chance. Do you ever question yourself “What if?” I know I always do. This chapter of My Book of Life happened a while back, that despite the passage of time, it still lingers in my mind like the same way one procrastinates when writing an essay for English 101. This is my “What if”, this is my lost opportunity.
It was just like yesterday; I was in college at the time, no longer a high school student but a freshman, college freshman that is. Like any other day, always looking forward to the sound of my computer “Welcome, you have mail!” addicted to the internet I decided to experiment with the chat rooms, now that I look back things would have been better of...

Posted by: Alyscia Yellowman

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