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Women of Juarez

The Missing Women of Juarez

“Since 1993, 281 women have been murdered and 400 are missing.” This was the first sentence spoken on the night of this heartrending documentary. I didn’t know this situation had gotten so out of hand. Why has this issue been ignored? This question was addressed in the documentary we watched.
Juarez, Mexico is on the border of El Paso, Texas and is the largest border crossing in Mexico. There are over one million people living in Juarez, forcing city development to immerge at intense rates. As population increases, crime is usually never too far behind. This statement has proven true in Juarez.
For some unexplained reason, there are women disappearing in Juarez. Families and friends of these missing women are desperate for an explanation. They pursue for justice, but none is found. Eventually a body appears, showing family and friends the dreadful reality that they had been trying to ignore. To make matters worse, it seem as though ...

Posted by: Chad Boger

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