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wilson war

No Tolerance
Owen Klein 11th

“Once lead this country into war, and they’ll forget there ever was such a thing as intolerance.” -Woodrow Wilson

As the Progressive era subsided in America, a new wave of wartime efforts took its place as World War I raged on in Europe, devastating the lives of countless human beings and ending the lives of millions. Many did not want to go to war, for they thought things like, “Rich man’s war. Poor man’s fight”(WBA, vol.2, 249). The Wilson administration knew that the country had to stand united if they were going to engage in the war on the side of the allies. Yet there stood much opposition to fighting. Groups took different stands against different aspects of war, therefore dividing the people into many clusters, each representing their own opinions. Some of these groups included: isolationists, pacifists, Wobblies, socialists, and agrarian radicals (WBA, vol.2, 246).
More opposition for the war was based on ethnicit...

Posted by: Jack Drewes

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