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William Lloyd Garrison

He was a slave at one time and faugth for womens rights too.then cam along benajamin franklin and took his bitch.Then T homas jefferson came and beat the crap out of them both ..The End..jhdgkhsjkfhsj fsh fjhsutyeurqipwyp
srkidt jasitj uiruaksjfkasjdtrawyuwio tjsfka jsdfk;la jsdkfjas ioeurvn cna ljfasoruasid hjjfh haa;dfjtopqwuriucnm,lsjf oreitiuhfisdfijsk; asdjfkjdrptifdl;fj sdoer komc nfngk jdfiu rijsfksidrui sal;sskjdfik d jfjlsal;j dfoeuif erweior cnisd fioasfowhe rihsd ihfsbnf nfjsdf isehrh f fjshdif h weurh ybf fd...

Posted by: Garrick Christian

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