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Why Abortion Should Be Outlawed

Dolphins, according to an article by “Sobran’s”, have an “unexplained dark side”. They kill members of their own species without any apparent reason. Most people do not think of dolphins in this way. We think of “Flipper” and how cute and sweet it was. Therefore, all dolphins must be this way. Dolphins have also been known to bite humans. This is very disturbing information. No one knows why dolphins do this. Maybe it is because food might be scarce, or a male might be jealous of the young getting attention from the female. Many other animals in nature kill their young and sometimes eat them. To the human mind, this concept occurs to us as “unnatural”, as opposed to our way of having children, then raising them with love, nurturing, and understanding. However, we should not cower from seeing the same thing in human nature. The word abortion, according the Merriam-Webster dictionary, means: the termination of a pregnanc...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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