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Tabloid and broadsheet newspapers
What’s the difference?
You will have a copy of the front page of two newspapers for the same day. It does not matter which paper you start with: just make sure that you put the headings given. When you have written about both papers, answer the questions at the end (‘Reporting back’) which compare the two.

Describe the appearance of the front page: what catches your eye first? Why?
Describe in detail what is in the top part of the page:
o How much space is taken by the masthead and the information about the stories inside? Estimate (eg half a page, a third, a quarter?) or, better, measure and calculate a percentage.
o Describe how the title of the paper is printed (the style of printing, or typeface, and its size).
o How much does this paper cost?
o What other information is there at the top of the page, apart from details of stories inside?
o What are the contents about (that is, the items advertised at t...

Posted by: Chad Boger

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