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Who caused WWI?

As industrialization, social disarray, and national tension plagued Europe, war was destined to break. Amidst the provocations and accusations, however, Germany was truly most guilty for causing World War I because of its tremendous national momentum and deliberate attempts at causing war.
Of course, Germany’s reasons for causing the war were not exclusive- if Germany had not catalyzed the war, another European country would have eventually. This is because of the overwhelming nationalism and the clandestine alliances that had drifted through Europe. As nations’ militaries modernized and mechanized, their national confidence ballooned. Countries were eager to test their new industrialized armies, boasting protective alliances with weaker nations and arrogantly taunting other superpowers. For instance, Russia considered Serbia its “little Slavic brother,” entering the war in an effort to protect it. These tangled ties pulled many nations into war.
It ...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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