Back to category: Politics Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. welfare As a member of the welfare rights group, I feel that some of Governor Pataki’s proposals aren’t completely committed to solving the welfare problem in New York State. The plan should include equal cash assistance to welfare recipient families. Most importantly, the welfare reform plan should include some guidelines on job-training opportunities. The proposal to make progressive cuts in a family’s cash assistance over the five year eligibility period is not an effective proposal to solve poverty problems. The proposal specifically consists of a 10 percent cut after 18 months, a 5 percent cut in the second year, and 15 percent more every year thereafter to total a cut of 45 percent by year four. This proposal does not make sense because people need more money over time to survive and take care of their families. This is true because the cost of living, especially in New York, raises not decreases over a five year period. Another important fact to consider is that people... Posted by: Sheryl Hogges Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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