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wTime flies and flies faster than you can ever imagine. A journey, which seemingly started days before, is on its final frontier. GIM started as a dream and has left me dreaming of the action ahead, the call of the jungle, calling its till now rested animal of abundance.
A chapter needs to be closed and open the gateways to another chapter of life. The conventional waits to give the realms to the contemporary. The following below is a brief fact sheet suggesting how far am I geared to take on the very best in a world where classics of today become the ordinary of tomorrow. The change is frightening and the frightening is definitely exciting. The exciting is me and this is me from A 2 Zee.

1. Imagining the different path and walking it is my style of operations.
2. Insight and intuition governs my decision-making and the two source their strength from past knowledge, experience and logic.
3. I am a member of dis...

Posted by: Novelett Roberts

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