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Video games and Computer Science

In my following paragraphs, I hope to shed some light into the world that goes un-noticed, the world of 1’s and 0’s. By definition, Computer science is defined at as “the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures.” Basically, it is the code behind the scenes running our lives under our very nose. The Matrix is a good example of how Computer sciences or as I like to call it, the code, is involved in our day-to-day life. Even though the movie is an exaggeration of the truth, the idea is the same. We have become dependent of these machines and they are nothing without us. Video Games are like works of art. Like a Mona Lisa or Picasso, a game can either be exciting, vivid, and above all else, entertaining or; like some many games that flood the market each year, a quick exploit of a trend or a re-hashed idea on a disc. Video Games are like books, you don’t know what the book is made of until you open ...

Posted by: Raymon Androckitis

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