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victorain women

During the Victorian era, the roles and liberties of women were

Very limited. Women were expected to cater to the male perspective, while sacrificing

Their own free will. Mary Wollenstonecraft did not adhere to these ideal though. She

Believed in the independence of women, in education and in the home life. Charlotte

Bronte also showed may similar beliefs towards woman’s liberties through her character

Jane Eyre, and her relationship with Rochester. But before these comparions can be made

A better understanding of the Victorian period must be addressed.

Women had very little freedoms durning the Victorian era. Women were

Raised in manners to satisfy the needs of men. Women were supposed to live up to a

Certain image. They were raised to be domesticated and cater to the needs of others

Instead of herself. Woman were taught to be beautiful, and not to think. Education

Was a rarity for the Victorian woman, but the littl...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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