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Historically, the United States has had a draft system for every war since the Vietnam War. Now with the problems we are having with Iraq, there is talk of war and Americans are wondering if the United States will re-instate the draft system.
The draft in America has always been unfair and unequal. Wealthy eligibles during the Revolutionary and Civil War could appoint an employee to serve for them. Others could pay anyone to serve their draft term. The Vietnam War proved the draft was unfair. President Nixon’s reversal of the draft law sent younger men at 18 the first to be picked before picking older men in their mid-twenties. If you were 18 and poor, your chances of being drafted were greater than if you were 25 and back attending college. Universities and colleges competing for the same people the military wanted, offered a variety of assistance to their male students to keep them on campus and away from a military base. So going to college was an escape from b...

Posted by: Sheryl Hogges

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