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Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night there are several characters that affect other characters. Viola, a young woman whose ship is wrecked during a storm, washes upon the shore of Illyria. There she hears the Duke of Illyria, Orsino, is still a bachelor and wants to serve him in disguise. She disguises herself as a young man and prepares to see the duke. Viola in disguise is Cesario, and Cesario affects a couple characters in the play.
The first character that Cesario comes upon is Orsino. Orsino is in love with Olivia, a noble Illyrian lady. He doesn’t do anything all day except mope around and babble about how he loves Olivia. The only company he enjoys is Feste, the clown, for he doesn’t want to be bothered by anyone else. Cesario arrives and wants to serve as a messenger to Orsino; Orsino accepts. He takes a liking to Cesario very quickly. He does think Cesario has womanlike features and tells Cesario so. “Diana’s...

Posted by: Sandeep Jador

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