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To what extent was Bismarck responsible for Austria’s systematic isolation from German affairs between 1860 & 1866?

‘To what extent was Bismarck responsible for Austria’s systematic isolation from German affairs between 1860 & 1866?’

Otto Von Bismarck was solely responsible for Austria's isolation from German affaires between the years 1860 and 1866.
The decision of the Prussian king Wilhelm 1st to give up his political control over Prussia, due to the lack of cooperation from the Prussian Parliament, led to the appointment of Bismarck as President of Prussia by Wilhelm 1st. Bismarck, who accepted the offer readily, set about trying to strengthen Prussia. To help him build up strength he attempted to unify the 39 German states under Prussian, and his own leadership. In order to do so he would have to defeat Austria and dissolve the German Bund. The years 1860 to 1866 marked Bismarck’s systematic attempts to unify Germany under Prussia and isolate Austria from the Bund. Finally on the 26 July 1866 Prussia defeated Austria thereby isolating it from German affaires and took control over ...

Posted by: Sheryl Hogges

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