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To what extent do the texts of the Enlightenment use nature as a critique of society

Brenda Elson U2722721 TMA 07 A206
How do Enlightenment texts use the idea of ‘nature’ in their critiques of society and/or culture? Discuss with detailed reference to three texts.

In answering this question I shall be referring to visual depictions of still life and natural scenes when discussing how Diderot used nature as a critique of society. In Wollstoncraft I will be using Natural law and Human Nature when discussing how she used Nature as a critique of society and culture. In The Creation I shall be using life in natural surroundings, enviroment, to describe how Haydn responded to the desire of Society. I hope to show how Diderot and Wollstoncraft criticised society and culture traditions and desired cultural and social reform respectively whilst Haydn rather than criticising, actually responded to European society’s taste in using nature to paint sound pictures. I hope to show explicitly the critiques in extracts of the texts.

Diderot’s Salon 176...

Posted by: Andres Cisneros

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