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Thomas More and Machiavelli

More and Machiavelli both had to experience a time when people were under the rule of a monarchy. Their experience with people were both bad but their opinions were very different. Machiavelli felt that people were born bad and stayed that way. More felt that people were born good and later corrupted by others. Their opinions showed through their writings. More’s book seems delusional and very wishful while Machiavelli has accepted the way society really was to his. Machiavelli’s book was definitely more insightful than More’s.
More’s Utopia deals with the problems that he sees in England. Utopia is an imaginary society where people have designed the best society they could conceive of with the use of natural reason. However, they have been denied the truths of divine law. More did not agree with everything that Utopian society advocated. More seems to be creating a society which is s...

Posted by: Margaret Rowden

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