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Themes of the Crucible

In the book, The Crucible, there are many themes. Throughout the book, I learned of many. Three key themes to this book that I believe are important are Intolerance, Reputation, and Hysteria. The society in which these people live in are intolerant with people if they don’t follow the strict rules of the church. If they do not follow the ways of the church, they are then punished. Reputation is an important theme in this book because people knew of the girls’ plans but did not say anything because they were well-brought up girls, well known girls, and did not want to ruin their name. Hysteria brought down this community. People started to believe that their neighbors, people who were good, trusting people were binding bonds with the devil, practicing witchcraft. Through out the book there are many themes, but these three are the most important in my mind.
The Crucible is set in a society in which the church and the state are one, and the religion is a strict, form of Pur...

Posted by: William Katz

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