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theme of zora neale hurston books.

The story "Spunk," as described earlier, has a theme of revenge because of the husband's need to take away the life of the man that took away his.(Hurston) Lena Kanty and Joe Kanty had been married for quite some time, but Lena wasn't satisfied.(Hurston) Spunk Banks fell in love with Lena and Lena fell in love with Spunk.(Hurston) Lena and Spunk began to fool around behind Joe's back.(Hurston) This drove Joe crazy, so he decided to attempt to kill Spunk, but in return, only got himself killed. The part of the story where revenge played in was when one night after the death of Joe Kanty, Lena and Spunk were getting ready for bed and there was a black bobcat walking around the house, howling.(Hurston) This showed that Joe was haunting Spunk for killing him. The final act of revenge was when Spunk supposedly slipped and landed in the circle saw. Before he died, he claimed that is was Joe that shoved him into the saw.(Hurston) Joe Kanty wanted revenge for three reasons. At firs...

Posted by: Gina Allred

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