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the us constitution and the declaration of independence

The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were the two most important documents in shaping the United States of America. They both were equally important in doing this. Although, they both had different ways of accomplishing their goals.
The Declaration of Independence was basically the “why” we were doing this. The Declaration of Independence listed the main grievances we had with the homeland, along with the specific principles concerning the rights of man. Finally the official claim of independence.
The U.S. Constitution was a blueprint of “how” we were going to accomplish this goal. The Constitution listed the values and laws we would abide by to make our country the greatest in the world. The articles are the ideals of what our country is supposed to be. The amendments became ways to perfect this document over the years. As recent as 1992 we have been perfecting this work in progress.
Throughout this paper, you will see how these two comp...

Posted by: Jennifer Valles

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