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The Tempest

From Storms to The Tempest William Shakespeare is undoubtedly the most celebrated playwright in history, but he is also the most severely criticized. Perhaps the play that has received the most criticism is his final, The Tempest. The Tempest has been disparaged for its lack of plot and tension, unparalleled amount of magic, myth and folklore contained within, and the lack of character strength. Many claim that Shakespeare’s last attempt at the theater was futile, resulting in a mind-numbing play about nothing. Perhaps it appears this way at first glimpse, much as the storm in the play appears to be Mother Nature acting up; but just as the tempest is more than a windstorm, The Tempest is more than meets the eye. It is instead an allegorical tale of life in the theater, a conclusive farewell as Shakespeare bids adieu to his career as a playwright. The Tempest is brimming with allusion to the theater and the art of acting. The reader must simply be aware of the implication behind the w...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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