Back to category: History Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. The Tale of Matsura summary and review The Tale of Matsura is based in Medieval Japan. The main character in the story is Ujitada the son of Tachibana no Fuyuaki and Princess Auska. His is from Fujiwara the old capital of Japan. Since Ujitada was young, he was good at playing many different instruments and soon his skills surpassed his teachers. He was also ale to compose Chinese poems at seven. At twelve years old he had his ceremony to become an adult. After his ceremony, the king gave Ujitada rank and office in his court. At 16 he became junior fifth tank upper grade and was appointed to sever as a junior assistant Minster of ceremonial, lesser controller of the right and lesser captain of the Imperial Soon the emperor said that Ujitada was going to send him on a envoy to China. Ujitada became very depress because he didnÂft want to leave his patents and his homeland. While in China, Ujitada became very good at the things he did and impressed the Emperor Wen of China and who soon surpassed the emperor court offici... Posted by: Helene Hannah Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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