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the stranger


Albert Camus's The Stranger tells the story of Meursault. In the novel, Meursault kills an Arab for no good reason. Some readers may believe that this is simply a tale of a senseless crime however, the story is all about existentialism. Overall, the novel makes several references to three main aspects of existentialism¾ no objective morality, free will, and vocation.

There are several moments in the novel, which make reference to the Existentialist concept of objective morality. For example, Meursault says that he doesn't want to go visit his mother at the home, because it will "take his Sunday." (5) Most people think its is right to go and visit their mother at her home. However, Meursault has a different idea of what is morally right or morally wrong. Therefor he doesn't believe in objective morality. Later in the novel Raymond ask Meursault if Salamano treatment of his dog is wrong he say's no. (28...

Posted by: Helene Hannah

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