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The Sexist Goose

As far back as I can remember, my grandmother has always had a great love for animals and always had a lot of them. As I was growing up, she had chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, and cats. There was, however, one particular animal she owned at one time that I will never forget. When I was in first and second grade, my grandmother owned a big white house with green shutters. It was back in the woods, and right next to the river. Across the lawn from it was a smaller house which was where my mother, my father and I lived. Since we were living on my grandmother’s property, we had to put up with the animals that she had to.
One morning I was walking across the lawn from my grandmother’s house to mine and it happened. I heard a loud honk. When I turned, there was Henry charging toward me, neck down and beak forward ready to attack. I immediately increased my pace from a nice steady walk to a “run like hell” tempo. I made it to the ramp and he was close behind. He began followi...

Posted by: Jennifer Valles

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