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The Real Christopher Columbus

Although Christopher Columbus is looked at as a hero in America the real truth is that he
was more of a villain than anything. In deciding weather Columbus was actually a
praised hero or a secret villain certain things must be known about him in advance.
Socially, his decisions reflected his people and when the decisions were bad his people
were looked at as the enemy. Economically, Columbus made promises he couldn’t live
up to and took his frustrations out on the people. Politically, support came from England
on what Columbus was telling them about the new land. Columbus, due to his actions, is
looked at as a villain socially, economically, and politically.

Columbus’ journey had many different social effects on the people. When
Columbus first saw the Indians he wrote, “They were well-built, with good bodies and
handsome features.” In other words he saw the Indians as sexual objects and fine
servants from the beginning. Very lit...

Posted by: Jessica Linton

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