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The Puritan Revolt and the Glorious Revolution

In the 17th century, England was marked by two revolutions known as the English Revolution or the Puritan Revolt and the Glorious Revolution. The Puritan Revolt was a conflict between the English monarch and the Parliamentarians, which resulted in the establishment of a republican commonwealth (¡°English Civil War¡±). In 1688, the Glorious Revolution broke out, an event that culminated in the removal of King James II and the establishment of Parliament power over the monarch (¡°The Glorious Revolution¡±). Through these two revolutions, the English monarchs realized that they were responsible to their people.
Ill will between the English monarch and the Parliamentarians evolved gradually ever since James VI of Scotland succeeded Queen Elizabeth I in 1603. As King James I of England, he had little understanding of its Parliament or the changing conditions of England (Lee and Paik). In addition, he inherited an enormous royal debt and a religiously divided nation when h...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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