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The Pueblo Grande Museum

The Pueblo Grande Museum is the site where one of the largest platform mounds in the Salt River Valley in the Sonoran Desert lies. More than 50 platform mounds existed at one time on the Southern Arizona landscape (Andrews). The area of the platform mound housed nearly 40,000 dwellers once. And let me tell you one thing, just walking on the Arizona heat for merely a couple of minutes has made me admire them. They did not only survive in such extreme temperatures, but they really knew how to make the best of their surroundings and resources. The Hohokam have much to be admired for. They were not only great survivors of the desert, they were great farmers, and amazing builders! Let’s take a closer look at the building practices of the Hohokam...
It is not known why 553 years ago (approximately 1450AD) they abandoned the area having been a prosperous community for nearly 15 centuries. The area of the platform mound was actually built sometime around 1150AD. The area is su...

Posted by: Tricia F. Doyle

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