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The Power of Disney

Has Disney become too powerful? This tends to be the overwhelming true statement in Mickey Mouse Monopoly, Disney, Childhood and Corporate Power. This film is a documentary of Disney written and produced by Chyng Sun and directed by Miguel Picker. The ArtMedia production shows its viewers a very negative image of the beloved Disney company, known for its magic. The documentary takes a critical look at the success of the Disney company and how it is based on creating images of innocence, magic and fun. It is divided into categories such as Disney’s media dominance, gender representations, race representations, and commercialization of children’s culture. Instead of commending Disney for its success, the film looks underneath the surface of all this fun and brings forth how Disney influences its viewers, and corrupts their minds into thinking the world is something it is not.
All together I thought this documentary had very good points and ideas in it. I could see how many peop...

Posted by: Sandeep Jador

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