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The poetry of Wilfred Owen has, in my opinion, real relevance for students of today.

His best work is his war poetry, and wars, unfortunately are still being waged throughout the modern world. We need to be reminded about the terrible realities and to understand the uselessness of any war.

Wilfred Owen is able to convey this reality in a way which is much more personal and immediate than any history text book could achieve. This is what makes his work so relevant for us. History books can seem uninteresting to students. The information is often second - hand and told from the point of view of people who weren’t there. The language is frequently impersonal and without emotion or feeling. We do not get to understand in history books how soldiers felt, either physically or emotionally. History books cannot convey what it felt like to witness the shocking realities of war.
“His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer” (Dulce et Decorum Est)
It is ...

Posted by: Raymon Androckitis

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