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The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray

In Oscar Wilde’s classic novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, imagery affects the story as a whole. One image that can be traced throughout the entire novel, is the actual portrait of Dorian Gray. This portrait in itself can be divided into three separate stages, depending on the severity of Dorian’s cruelty. As the novel progresses, these images transform from one stage to another. This successful usage of imagery makes this novel truly terrifying, but at the same time, quite enjoyable.
The first significant stage of Dorian’s portrait might be called the beautiful stage. Basil Hallward paints Dorian’s portrait in the beginning pf the novel, and, it is said to be his best work yet. The picture not only illustrates Dorian’s true outer beauty, but it also accentuates on his stunning youthful image. The portrait is given to Dorian to keep for himself to remember how lovely he looked in his youthful days. Basil and Dorian alike adore the portrai...

Posted by: Angelia Holliday

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