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The Perfect Murder Recipe

Many people could say that a perfect murder is impossible; nevertheless, it is doable. The perfect murder essentially means that the murder is swift, clean and not a trace of evidence is left that would convict a suspect. Mr. Giamo(in this instance) did not have a perfect murder even though he was able to disappear at the end. Why was his murder not perfect? Raping Lillie(in this instance), killing her, and cutting her into small pieces is a fair murder; nevertheless, he did not discard his evidence properly. Although he was believed as innocent by all most everyone except the father, he was still at times looked as a suspect, and later found as the murderer. In a perfect murder, such a conclusion is not possible. But how can one come about with such a perfect task, the following is the recipe for the Perfect Murder.

Step one:
A victim is first needed. Let us pick Mrs. Risman(in this instance), the grumpy old lady next door that always screams and scolds at you that you are too noi...

Posted by: Jason Pinsky

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