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the pearl

The Pearl
In The Pearl by John Steinbeck the Evil of the great pearl is revealed.
The Evil of the pearl effects Kino in all different kinds of ways. At first, Kino is poor, and one day while looking for the pearls Kino finds the great pearl. When the town hears of Kino’s luck, everyone congratulates him. When the priest comes to visit Kino, Kino hears “The Song of Evil”. This also happens when the doctor comes to visit Kino. Kino feels that there is greed among the priest and the doctor. As the story continues, the pearl becomes Kino’s soul. One night when Kino is disturbed in his sleep, he sees a figure digging in the spot where he had buried the pearl. He and the figure struggle. Kino risks’ his life to save the pearl.
Also, the pearl has caused deaths and casualties. When Kino steps outside of his house t...

Posted by: Sylvia Schiavoni

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