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The Outer Jovian Planets

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and
the first of the five outer planets or Jovians
(gas planets) in our Solar System. Jupiter is
the largest planet of them all, with a diameter
of 142 000 km, it can fit 11 Earths across it’s
diameter, and about 1,000 inside it. Jupiter is
so big that it can be seen from Earth without a
telescope, and it is one of the brighter
objects in the sky.
Jupiter’s swirling, ever changing clouds of red,
yellow and orange gases have long been one of
the most intriguing mysteries of space. Only
recently, through the findings of several American space probes, have astronomers begun to
fully unravel the secrets of the clouds.
Jupiter orbits the Sun at a comfortable distance of at least 778,000,000 km (480,000,000
mi.), making one full rotation of the Sun every 12 (11.870) years.
Every ten hours on Earth, Jupiter completes another turn on its axis, spinning more than
twice as fast as Earth and making its ...

Posted by: Raymon Androckitis

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