Back to category: Arts Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. The Music In Me According to belief, everyone in this life has been given certain talents. These talents should be used as a way to give thanks for the giving of them. Out of all the things that I have learned to do in my life so far, music has been the one outstanding skill that I have acquired and used. I am used to hearing others say, “Trippe, you have a real talent and should put it to the best use”. When it came time to choose a career, music kept coming up, but I had to look closely at what music meant to me. Its importance was never questioned. Determining whether I should use music, as a profession, required much contemplation. Throughout my internal search for answers, I came to realize just why music has remained one of the most important things in my life. It is the single most effective way for me to express what is inside me at any given time. The purpose music serves for me depends on my mood and what is going on in my life. In the fifteen years that I studied music, p... Posted by: Chad Boger Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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