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The importance of language

The Importance of Language

Can you imagine what it would be like if you couldn’t tell the one’s you care about that you love them? Language is such an important part of our everyday lives. To these four courageous writer’s language meant so much more, and was a way for them to express who they really were. There is Amy Tan who loved English so much that she was ashamed of her mother. The truly inspirational Helen Keller, overcame being deaf and blind. To be one of the most influential writers of our time There is Fredrick Douglass who had to overcome being a slave in order to become an important piece of our history. Then there is Chang-rae Lee a man with such a unique way with words. Language played a major role in the lives of Helen Keller, Fredrick Douglass, Amy Tan, and Chang-rae Lee.
First is Amy Tan who was born in California in 1952( WP 271). Her parents immigrated from China to give Amy a chance at a good life here in the states. At the age of eight Tan “won a writ...

Posted by: Amy Hetzel

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