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The History Of the International Olympic Commitee

The History, Present, and Future of the International Olympic Committee

Kyle Beyer
Mr. Gayan
Sophomore Composition
April 15, 2002

The Olympics have been a highly regarded pastime for many thousands of people. What many people do not know about though, is what goes on behind the scenes at an Olympic game. I will talk about the history, present, and future of the governing body of the Olympics, the International Olympic Committee, the IOC.
To understand how the IOC works, we must first take a look back at what started it all, the history of the ancient Olympics. The first Ancient Olympics originated in Athens, Greece (Henry 13). Back then, the idea of the Olympics was for Rome to confirm itself as the greatest nation (Henry 13). Over the years, as rulers and nations changed, the idea of the Olympics held with them (Henry 13).
As the nations changed, so did the events, and the events run today are quite different that what was run in the Ancient Olympics (Henry 14)....

Posted by: Jason Cashmere

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