Back to category: Speeches Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. the histort of alcohol Its part of our heritage, dates back as far as the wheel and has reached every corner of the globe. Alcohol, which has an interesting and far-reaching history, has been discovered, used and prohibited throughout the ages. Most likely discovered by accident in prehistoric times, alcohol would have being first tasted in ferminting fruit, people were quick to take to and improve on this strange, new taste. The first mentition alcohol makes in recored history is about 3 , 500 BC in Egypt. As it still is today and has being for thousands of years alcohol was consumed mainly on special occasion, celebrations, festivals and at religious ceremonies. People discovered that alcoholic beverages could be produced from practically any fermentable material; fruits, berries, flowers, honey, the sap of trees, milk and from almost any plant or animal substance containing carbohydrates or sugar. In the tropics, people learned to use the sap of palm trees and cactus. In the Far and Near East and in Eu... Posted by: Sean Wilson Limited version - please login or register to view the entire paper. |
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