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The Handmaid’s Tale: By Margaret Atwood

I believe the novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, was a genius’s masterpiece. The whole book is Offred’s diary that is found later and analyzed as one of the only pieces of evidence on the history of Gilead. By the end of the book, I started thinking about Gilead as a piece of history, and at the same time, the possible future. How do I know that I’m not going to end up just like Offred, trapped in a world that seems to just have shoved it’s way into my life? I cannot believe that this fate is in my future, because we are conditioned to believe that we can help circumstances. Humans tend to always believe we are going forward in life. We like to believe we are not like our parents, grandparents, or ancient ancestors. We like to believe that we do not have the same social environment as them. We like to believe that we are constantly progressing, and constantly eliminating obstacles, extending to a sort of utopia. However, Atwood makes us think, Where are we going? When we g...

Posted by: William Katz

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