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The Grapes of Wrath - Joads Journey

Through out history man has made many journeys, far and wide.
Moses's great march through the Red Sea and Columbus's transversing
the Atlantic are only, but a few of mans great voyages. Even today,
great journeys are being made. Terry Fox's run across Canada while
having cancer is one of these such journeys. In every one of these
instances people have had to rise above themselves and over come
emence odds, similar to a salmon swimming up stream to fullfill it's
life line. Intense drive and extreme fortitude are qualities they had
to possess during their travels. In The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck
shows the Joads endurance by his use of extended metaphors in
intercalary chapters.

Steinbeck uses intercalary chapters to provide background for the
various themes in the novel. This effectively forshadows upcomin...

Posted by: William Katz

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