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The Genius of Shakespeare - But Which One?

What comprises genius is usually recognizable, if not always quantifiable. With Shakespeare, it is both recognizable and quantifiable. This paper will outline his known talent, but attempt to give a different picture of the man than is taught or widely known. While the Shakespeare that is traditionally taught is one dimensional, the lesser-known person was multi-faceted and once knowing his story, all of Shakespeare’s works take on a richer hue.

The Genius of Shakespeare
William Shakespeare, the greatest English poet, dramatist, storyteller extraordinaire of all time has transcended the moment in which he lived, and continues to touch art, literature, and our lives today. John Dryden, the celebrated English poet said that Shakespeare was "the man who of all modern and perhaps ancient poets had the largest and most comprehensive soul." (Ogburn, 1984) Flannery (1998) observes that others have said that his “genius plumbs the deepest depths and scales the lofti...

Posted by: Alyscia Yellowman

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