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The development of Athenian democracy during 500-440 bc.

1)Account for the development of Athenian democracy during this period.

Introduction –
The democratization of Athens occurred during the period of 500 – 450 BC. However, it is hard to know the exact date of these changes as no one ancient source talks of these changes in detail. The first to bring about these changes was Kleisthenes (although, he’s reforms were not made in this period), with Kleisthenes Reforms, however more changes were to come with the development of a “radical democracy” within Athens. Futhermore, changes were made the offices of the Strategoi, Aeropagus, Archons, Ekklesia, and the Boule.

Body –
§ Kleisthenes made reforms (divided Athens into 10 tribes, Boule taken to 500 rather than 400, Boule position = selection by lot, and Ekklesia gained in power), which broke the ‘stranglehold’ of the aristocrats, and gave favour to the lower social classes.
§ Democracy was further increased by the development of Athens into a sea based pow...

Posted by: Geraint Watts

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