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The day before Tomorrow

The book Macbeth is about ambition, deception and fate. It was Macbeth’s ambition to become King to do this he had to deceive everyone, the only way he could deceive everyone was through a bit of chance, his own actions and the actions or advice of others. There are many examples of how chance, his own actions and the actions or advice played a role in securing Macbeth’s rise and fall from King.

Macbeth’s fate was determined by a lot of things but the thing that influenced it the most was chance and the first example of this is in act one scene three where Macbeth meets the witches for the first time, and they prophecies his future of becoming King. If they hadn’t of seen the witches then Macbeth would never of thought of being King. The second example of this is when King Duncan stays at Macbeth’s castle, which is the perfect opportunity to put his plan into action. Which was to kill Duncan by stabbing him in his sleep. The third example of this was when Duncan’s son Ma...

Posted by: Justin Rech

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