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the Crucible

The trials in The Crucible take place against the surroundings of a deeply religious and gullible society, and most of the characters in the play seem to believe that picking out witches from their community is God's work. However, there are plenty of feuds and rivalries in the small town that have nothing to do with religion, and many Salem residents take advantage of the trials to express long-held grudges and revenge on their enemies. Abigail Williams finds revenge on Elizabeth Proctor; Thomas Putnam gets a hold of revenge with both the Nurse’s as well as George Jacobs and the Corey’s. The Salem Witch Trials were with out a doubt, the perfect way for revenge.

Abigail gets revenge on the Proctors when her affair with John has finally come to an end. The whole reason chaos broke out through Salem is because of Abigail. One vengeful accusation from Abigail to her rival, Elizabeth Proctor, tu...

Posted by: Darren McCutchen

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