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The Cool Paradise

This site is about Iceland. Not just facts that you can find in a book. My family moved to Iceland two years ago and I have visited many times. I will show you the interesting life that people lead in Iceland. On this site you can read about the nightlife, one of the best in the world, with pictures to go. I will show you that contrary to popular belief, Iceland is not ice, but actually has very green pastures and blue waters. Most Icelandics live on the outside rim of the island. The inner part of the country is like a arctic desert. A rugged terain that is all dead, but great for hiking and other outdoor activities.
Iceland is an island located above England, right below the Arctic Circle. The gulf stream runs on the coast, so the waters are not terribly cold. As far are cold goes in Iceland, no less. There is a tradition that takes place every year after New Year's called the Polar Bear Jump. Over to the left of the island is Greenland, which is ice. Did you kn...

Posted by: Cinthia De Ruiz

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Thanks for you messagge wil bla bla bla!