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The cons of drilling in ANWR

At the beginning of the 20th century Teddy Roosevelt Reminded us: "Neither man nor nation can prosper unless thought is steadily taken for the future." This is especially true regarding the coming energy crisis facing our nation. If we allow our country to remain dependant on oil as it's crutch we will continue to hobble until we fall over in the mud. Depending on oil is a step back, and drilling in Alaska would simply be stepping further backward. We don't need to pillage our nations wilderness to get oil-- we need to think of the future, and begin moving in that direction.

The following reasons are why my partner and I negate the resolution:

Contention I: Drilling would harm wildlife and a treasured Eco-system

A. Drilling would leave a large mark on the wilderness.
John Ingle, LA Times, August 6th, 2001

The supporters of despoiling this virgin wilderness say that they would leave a "modest footprint" on the land. Modest footprint, indeed! Twenty-five thousand workers, ...

Posted by: William Katz

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