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The Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto. By Karl Marx and Friederich Engels. (New York. Penguin Classics,2002.)

It is plain to see that in The Communist Manifest Karl Marx is trying to make everyone agree that communism will solve a lot of problems. He believes that having different social rank creates a lot of stress on the modern industry. He believes that if the modern industry keeps going at the rate it is going it will eventually lead to a revolutionary war between the proletarians(working class) and the Bourgeosis (capitalist), and the proletarians will eventually overthrow the Bourgeosis.
The Communist Manifesto is written in a thematic structure. Karl Marx separates every section by the different parties and what they believe. This book has an analytical nature. He believes having no social classes, individuals not being able to own private property, and society having no state will end a lot of the world’s problems.
Karl Marx backs up everything he says with evidence or...

Posted by: John Mayes

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