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The Cold War

In the Yalta and Potsdam conference 1945 there was an agreement over the ''spheres of influence''.There was a separation between Soviet communism and capitalist America.USSR occupied East Europe and the West occupied Greece and Turkey.This caused great tension between the 'super powers'.At the end of world war II the 'super powers' came to conflict,U.S.A and the Soviets.There was great suspicion and hostility between the two,this became known as the 'Cold War'!.A silent war as there was no physical violence,but many words were spoken on both parts,and conflict grew.
The cartoon in source A1 is referring to the 'Arm's Race'.This is a primary source which could be seen as biased,as it has been published by a British new's magazine,so therefore it is a british interpretation of the situation at that time,and as Britain was an ally to America there view may not of been all round truthful.The cartoon is showing the British cartoonist's opinion of the order of which the countries are leadi...

Posted by: Jason Pinsky

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