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The Central Pragmatics of Kant’s Synthetic Device: Why Hume Didn’t have a chance

The Central Pragmatics of Kant’s Synthetic
Device: Why Hume Didn’t have a chance
Scottish Skeptic David Hume inspired Immanuel Kant, of the East Prussian town of Konigsberg, to awaken from his dogmatic slumbers, thought to be the sleep of the most adequate reason. David Hume wrote his first book, A Treatise of Human Nature, in native Britain proposing that all knowledge is based on individual experience or habit and that our morality is subject only to our emotions. This shook Kant’s “manifold” just enough, enough to inspire him to write his first major philosophical contribution. What did Kant do for Hume, after Hume made such a profound impact on him and his philosophy? Immanuel somewhat proved illogical David’s statement arguing on mathematical certainties, all the while intending to invalidate and destroy Humean Skepticism, and thus turned the historical course of Western Philosophy into a new direction, a moral one. Kant made it look simple, or at least he made makin...

Posted by: Quentina Green

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