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The best single line

The best single line from all three essays is, “In playing with a Barbie doll, a girl can control the action, can be omnipotent in a miniature world of her own creation,” which was written by Marilyn Ferris Motz in her essay, “Seen Through Rose-Tinted Glass”. I chose this line to be my “Golden Line,” because I feel that it captures the main idea of a Barbie doll. A young girl playing with a Barbie doll can accurately demonstrate the person she sees herself becoming in the future. This is due to the fact that the actions young girls take with the Barbie doll shows the perception she has of acceptable behavior and her role in society.
First of all, when a young girl is playing with a Barbie doll, she tries to “become” the doll. Once the young girl “becomes” Barbie, she tries to put herself into an environment she imagines herself being in. Then when the young girl is in that fantasy environment, she can regulate the movements that the doll will make. By ...

Posted by: Adriana Alvarez

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