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The Assignment

The assignment
You are to actively read the article "Animal Rights and Beyond" and then write an essay in which you present a summary and a response to the article. Your paper will be approximately 6-8 paragraphs in length.

You are following the basic assignment guidelines found in PRENTICE on page 188.
Prewriting - Complete Nov 3-4
Your annotation of your text and your 2 sided notes are considered your prewriting. You will hand in your 2 sided notes with your final paper. Be prepared to show me your annotations. PS - The prewriting we did in class in response to the introduction and title of article is also prewriting so be sure to hand it in too!
Discussion Board - complete Nov 4-5
You are required to "talk" about the essay on the Discussion Board. This chatting is considered part of your prewriting. Please be sure to AT LEAST post one original comment and one comment in response to an...

Posted by: Jack Drewes

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